Was Michael Jackson A victim Of Legal Drug Syndication?

Passages from The Bible flood in automatically to fill the void left by all the questions and half answers left in my heart as a result of the sudden passing of Michael Jackson.
I never got the chance to meet this cat, nor the opportunity to get to know him personally and as a musician, this legend was a great inspiration in his performances, to a whole generation of pop musicians. He was huge then and may be more in his death: but that is not the focus of this essay.
Am I My Brother’s Keeper Even When There Is A Lot of Money to Be Made? This is not a question for only the health care providers but for everybody in business. Let us agree that It is a challenge when your whole career as a health care giver is suddenly shoved under the spotlights. Your whole future is suddenly basking under the glory of a mega star.Great.
Michael Jackson’s sudden death raises a common question that concerns all of us. Protection for both parties in a doctor patient confidentiality agreement can be protected if there is a neutral body in place to monitor the agreement? We live in a world where more clients now make more money than their doctors. Rich Patients can now hire or fire “professional medical help“just at the snap of a finger.These types of patients have got to a place where they can choose and even organise medical teams, and orchestrate medical procedures with doctors coming from different jurisdictions and countries .They have realised that they can afford to manipulate choices in their favour.
How can we apply “I am my brother’s keeper” when you risk to lose a patient who thinks he or she knows what they want? That is a question that should be reserved for the doctor’s conscience. Now that it seems the American Health Care system is being marketed as a product, where is our stance on ethics?
I believe the passage i chose from the Bible is addressing both our human and physical intellectual wares and should remind us of a few fundamental truths about ourselves.We have become smart and arrogant and have found all kinds of ways at outsmarting the laws protecting the integrity of our “medical help” systems in place. This is for both Buyers and Sellers of health services.
In Isaiah 64:6,the Bible says “But we are all like an unclean thing, And all our righteousness are like filthy rags; We all fade as a leaf, And our iniquities, like the wind, Have taken us away.”
Time to ponder about these things.
Abuse of prescription drugs, doctor client privacy privileges and you in the middle.Do you really feel protected even if it were you who kept ordering the drugs against your doctor’s wishes? In all Client and Vendor relationships we all know the things we do to keep our high ticket customers don’t we? One of the facts about ethics is that it is neither a business, social nor political issue. It is about basic human values.
Michael’s case reminds me of Princess Di. If she had stayed in his husband’s protection I am sure she would have been alive today. Michael should have stayed stuck to Quincy for not only music but life issues. Right? Bruce Sweden was the one in charge of the sweet sounds in the mixes then what happened?
Suddenly all the songs became drum machine ridden with yelps and all kinds of whacked up moves and stuff. If you doubt go listen to the Quincy era.Greed? Pressure? What if the monkey wrench in the whole equation was a mega star himself having too much power to the point that suddenly, he/she could out manoeuvre around everybody and end up hurting himself? Maybe,the star now had so much clout, you were history when you did not deliver what he wanted on time.
Yeah right. How can one human being owe so much to a pharmacy?
$100,000 a month Hotel Suites without a single stinking defibrillator? The one thing that mattered most.
Not the Limos, nor the Business Deals, nor the Beatles Catalogue, nor the smooth media and press image, but just being healthy.
OK you would think a $300 an hour doctor on call should seal the deal and Mr Jackson still could not make it through the night to read his newspaper in the morning? Come on American Business.
OK, he should have sang “The Girls from Ipanema”, did Opera, challenged the late Pavarotti, taught music at Berklee School of Music and even did Smooth Jazz. Nope. This guy was very focused and probably had bigger fish to fry.
So far as his plastic surgery thing went, it was not only him who was guilty if you think that was a crime. Almost all Americans and people who could afford a nip and a tuck creepingly went under the knives.
Personally, I think he really looked terrific in his new facials with dimples in the right places and all. What’s amazing is how courageous and pure he was. He is a guy who was not afraid of taking risks.
To me he donated his body to fulfill our thirst and love for perfection desired for the perpetual human circus?

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